Upcoming Live Classes
All LIVE class sessions can be joined in person or virtually via Zoom!
Course fees include textbook, workbook and class materials.
Scroll down to PROGRAMS to register for any live or online course.
Can't find what you're looking for? Email Us your preferred month & schedule.
Day Class sessions meet from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM.. Night Class sessions meet from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM..
January 6th-17th (M/T/Th/F) Days
January 7th-22nd (T/W/TH) Evenings
February 10th-21st (M/T/TH/F) Days
March 4th-27th (T/Th) Evenings
March 10th-21st (M/T/Th/F)Days
More to Come; April through November
Scroll down to choose your class schedule from the boxes below,
or subscribe to site to receive notification of future class dates.
Course Menu
Day and Evening Live Courses may be joined in-person or virtually at the specified times. Course price includes books and materials. Virtual Students may incur additional costs for book shipment.
Online Classes can be accessed anytime. Students have 6 months from date of purchase to complete on their own schedule.